Protection of privacy and personality sphere

This statement regarding the protection of private and personal sphere is valid for Busch Media Group GmbH only. If you register as a visitor and leave us information about Busch Media Group GmbH website, you agree to § 4a BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act) that we treat and use your personal data in the context of the principles laid down here. In this context, it is important to note that certain links on Busch Media Group GmbH website lead to third-party websites. Because of the fact that there are probably different laws valid, these are not subject to the content of this declaration on the protection of private and personal sphere. Busch Media Group GmbH assumes no liability for the content and / or treatment of the data-protection of data you may leave on these other sites.
Surrendered information
No personal data will be recorded by Busch Media Group GmbH , unless approval is given by you. However, you have the option to voluntarily leave them for specific purposes in designated areas of Busch Media Group GmbH website(such as your name, your organization, your e-mail address, your telephone and fax number when making an inquiry) .
We will never ask you at any time via Busch Media Group GmbH website to disclose so-called special categories of personal data within the meaning of § 3 para 9 of the BDSG (data of this type could be: racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health or sex life). If you leave Busch Media Group GmbH any information from unsolicited and voluntary, you thereby, during registration, give us permission to save them and use them for the purposes of this website.
In order to manage Busch Media Group Ltd. website to the fullest and to facilitate navigation, we or our service provider use so called cookies. This way, abstract usage data is collected. These instruments determine user data such as IP address, domain, browser type and pages visited on our website. To ensure that the site of Busch Media Group Ltd. is a useful and effective information source, the information collected will be forwarded to our webmaster.
The cookies set will not collect any personal data. If you want to prevent your Internet browser from receiving any cookies, it is possible to configure your Internet browser so that you either receive no cookies or you will be notified prior to the reception and have to give your consent. However, by setting this form, it is possible that visitors access to certain areas of Busch Media Group GmbH website is denied or any options are limited.
Use of the data
The personal information left by you on Busch Media Group GmbH website will be used for the purposes for which the visitor has voluntarily agreed within the meaning of § 4a BDSG only. This may be in some part of an application or a registration in order to receive general or exclusive information and for purposes which registered users can expect according to the circumstances of the website use. If you do not want to use the offered information or other ares (eg application) as a registered visitor anymore, you can at any time dissent to further use of your personal data.
On this, please refer to Busch Media Group Ltd. BDSG as the responsible body on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. For this appeal there will be no other costs than the transmission costs for the base rates.
Information disclosure to third parties
Your personal data will be passed on to any outside parties at no time, without your explicit consent. However, you agree to § 4a BDSG that we may disclose your personal information to service providers (which may possibly also be abroad) who prepare these data on our behalf and manage them for our purposes. Busch Media Group GmbH assumes no liability for the content and / or the data protection legal treatment of data that you or we leave at your request on other websites. Any further disclosure of personal data is done within the framework of the Federal Data Protection Act, especially in the case of a legal obligation that requires to give data to courts or authorities within the country or at a data transfer abroad to courts and authorities abroad.
Access to your own personal data
We are keen to offer you a comfortable access to your own data. This is in particular to to give you the opportunity to sift through the data entered and correct them if necessary, or to update them. Furthermore, registered visitors always have the possibility to cancel or withdraw the permission for us to use the entered data for the future. If it comes to problems for registered visitors to gain access to the personal data entered, there is the option to describe these access problems to the webmaster. In addition, one can receive a copy of the personal data entered after proving proper authorization.
Data Security
To ensure the security of visitor data, Busch Media Group GmbH meets generally accepted safety standards, to protect the visitor data on the German website from misuse, loss and falsification. Only certain employees of Busch Media Group GmbH are entitled to enter the personally identifiable visitor information. As part of the purpose of this transfer employees ensure that the confidentiality of these sensitive data is preserved. This principle applies to the corresponding output confidentiality agreements from all participating companies for their website and thus also for these entrusted employees, representatives and affiliates, that the visitor data is passed to as part of the transfer purpose. If a visitor leaves data on this site, they agree, according to § 4a of the German Federal Data Protection Act, to the data collection, processing and use by Busch Media Group GmbH (considering the websites communication and the provision of this at any time available confidentiality notice) simply by sending his visitor data.
Busch Media Group GmbH, advises the visitors of this site to the fact that links can lead to other web sites and third party information, as well. Unless not explicitly promised above, Busch Media Group GmbH assumes no responsibility for the content of third party websites. This also relates to compliance with certain safety standards or compliance with the Federal Data Protection Act by the relevant third parties.
Changes of this statement to protect the private and personal sphere
Busch Media Group GmbH reserves the right to change this policy for the protection of private and personal information at any time. Busch Media Group GmbH website including this statement was set up to give general information and advice on specific issues, but not to treat any topic in detail. Busch Media Group GmbH website is neither a platform to give a binding advice, nor any other service or work performance or an answer to a question related thereto. As a result, you can not rely on the contents of Busch Media Group GmbH website when making a decision or taking an action without prior expert advice.
Protection of private and personal information of minors
Busch Media Group GmbH attaches great importance to the protection of private and personal information of minors (especially children under 13 years) especially in the light of possible abuse of today's Internet communication. For this reason, Busch Media Group GmbH emphasizes that the present website does not serve the purpose of informing minors ar collecting their data.
Questions about the protection of private and personal sphere
If you have questions regarding this statement to the protection of private and personal information or wish to express certain doubts on this topic that should be given special consideration, you have, at any time, the opportunity to address your questions and suggestions directly to our webmaster.


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